Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to Create Filter


How to Create Filter Gmail

The procedure to create filter in GMAIL is as mentioned below:

Open your VU ID.
Go to settings > filters > create new filter.
In the subject carefully write XXXX (Your Subject Code).
Now click 'next step’. Select the boxes 'skip the inbox archive it' and apply the label.
From choose label click new. Now give the label name as XXXX (Your Subject Code)
Now select the box apply filter to conversations. Now click create filter.
This way all the group mails will automatically go in this filter leaving your inbox free.
Note: Create filter similarly for each Subject Separately

How to Create Filter in Yahoo

You can easily create filters in yahoo by clicking on Mail Options in right upper corner & then click on Filters & click on add filter.
But remember that yahoo provides only few options for creating of filters like
1.       Sender
2.       Subject
3.       Recipient
4.       Body

All filter tricks are based on above 4 options.

Now if you want to create filter to arrange mails sent from UZAIR you will choose
“Send” and then “contains” and in 3rd column you will type and below you will provided the folder where all mails from Uzair should be arranged.

If you want to create filter to arrange mails of all bachelors in separate category you will choose
“Send” and then “begins with” and in 3rd column you will type “bc” only. So all emails sent by bachelor students will be automatically arranged.

If you want to create filter to arrange mails of MGT503 sent by anyone either know or unknown. You will choose
“Subject” and then “contains” and in 3rd column you will type “MGT503”. So this rule will automatically arrange all mails where MGT503 is written in email subject.

I hope you will understand it, if not feel free to contact.

 For more explanation see the attachment

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